My Top 3 Tips to Generate More Inquiries Without Ads
Book More Wedding Photography Clients //
Not booking as many weddings as you usually do at this time of year? Feeling a bit hopeless and spending a lot of money on ads? Maybe there is a better way… In this article, I share with you my top three ways to get potential clients to inquire with you without running ads.
Hi, I am Aida, host of My Wedding Season -The Podcast!
If you prefer listening, this blog post is also available in audio format on my podcast: Episode 41.
I have heard from a number of photographers that there has been a noticeable decrease in the number of inquiries hitting their inboxes. In all the years that I have been in the wedding industry, I don’t think that I have seen so many people getting nervous about the season ahead – putting the pandemic aside. I mean, Google and Instagram are flooded with ads like never before – don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against running ads – but it seems significantly higher and I think that it is fair to assume that photographers are very much focusing on paying to get in front of potential clients.
In this article, I am going to focus on what you can do to get potential clients coming through the door without having to spend so much money on ads. This is not to say that you should not run ads if that is what you choose to do, I just want to offer an alternative, or at the very least, some complimentary advice.
How you have been running your business in the past does not necessarily mean it is exactly how you should be running your business moving forward. Or maybe it does? How can you be sure if you do not take the time to sit down and assess the market that you are currently serving – particularly in this economic climate. How does your business fit into it?
Figure out if a re-brand is in order or at the very least, do you need to give your website a facelift? It is crazy just how fast websites can start to feel outdated. Are you happy with your portfolio, or do you need to add and delete some galleries? How about the copy on your website? Is it speaking directly to the types of couples that you are looking to book? Are there any adjustments that you need to make to your pricing and packages?
This is the ground-work that you need to be doing.
And allow me to give you a bonus tip at this point – make sure that your contact form is actually working. You will be surprised how randomly and unexpectedly something can go wrong with those forms. Always provide an email address so that people have an alternative way of getting in touch with you. And it helps to let them know how quickly they should expect a response from you.
After making all the necessary changes to your website, make sure that you are spending enough time to rank for relevant keywords on Google. Couples look for their wedding photographers in many different ways – and using search engines is definitely up there!
I am not going to go into how to improve your SEO ranking in this episode because there are a ton of YouTube tutorials, courses and guides that will do a much better job to help you out!
I just want to make sure that you don’t sleep on it.
Yes, you can pay to be seen. How about showing up in front of the right people organically? Yes, it is still possible. The methods have changed, but the results are still attainable.
Posting photos on the Instagram Grid used to work wonders in the past, and they can still get you noticed – but it might just be time to give in and embrace Reels. I know, I know, it is easier said than done – but the results will probably be worth the effort to make it happen. And of course, repurposing the video to TikTok or vice versa just makes sense. You can take it further and post those videos on YouTube Shorts and Pinterest.
Yup, we all know the name of the game: consistency, consistency, consistency!
Surely there are many variables that go into the number of inquiries landing in your inbox. But I am willing to bet that if you take my top 3 tips seriously and implement them – you are bound to see results!
In the meantime, I truly hope that my tips from today are going to help you land more clients for the 2023 wedding season!
I would love to help you get more clients. If you haven’t booked many weddings thus far and are feeling lost and hopeless, let us change that together! I am planning to host a free brainstorming session via Zoom in the near future. I am just in the midst of putting it all together. If you are interested in joining, sign-up for my mailing list in the show notes so that you are one of the first to be informed when it is happening. There are a limited number of seats available, so don’t wait around to do it.
How to Book More Weddings | Free Brainstorming Session: Sign-up now!
My Wedding Season Planner is a 2023 dated planner.
Use this digital planner to get better organised, keep track of your client work and reach your goals!
If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed during the wedding season, it is time for you to invite more ease into your life and business. It is available to you for FREE! Get access to the digital planner: Sign-up now!
If you have any questions or comments, just hit me up on Instagram @aidaglowik
Cheering you on,